1/2 페이지 열람 중
Pharos Vaccine Inc. CTCVAC Co., Inc. Animal And Plant Quarantine Agency KNOTUS Co., Ltd. BEAMS BIOTECHNOLOGY
Pharos Vaccine Inc. College of Veterinary Medicine, Konkuk University
Animal And Plant Quarantine Agency Pharos Vaccine Inc. Choong Ang Vaccine Laboratory
Medical Product Evaluation Support Service (Osong High-Tech Medical Industry Promotion Foundation)
Innovative New Drug Research and Development Consulting Program (Ministry of Health and Welfare)
The Effect of the Tumor Microenvironment and Tumor-Derived Metabolites on Dendritic Cell Function_ Journal of Cancer 2020,Vol.II 769-774
Cross Protection of a Recombinant Protein Vaccine against Challenges_ Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Journal 34(4) 299-305 (2019)
Sequential treatment with aT19 cells generates memory CAR-T cells and prolongs the lifespan of Raji-B-NDG mice. Cancer Letters 469 (2020) 162–172
Pdlim4 is essential for CCR7-JNK–mediated dendritic cell migration and F-actin–related dendrite formation. FASEB Vol 33.Oct 2019.
Synergistic Effect of Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells and Etanercept on a Collagen-induced Arthritis Animal Model. JHTB Vol. 28(3) 265-272, 2019